Control and Security System - Macarretane Dam

Control and Security System - Macarretane Dam

Optieng conducted a study to provide a Macarretane Dam Control and Safety System in accordance with the technical specifications for the Macarretane Dam Rehabilitation Works in Gaza Province.
The Macarretane Dam is located on the main course of the Limpopo River, about 60 km downstream from the confluence (between the Limpopo River and the River of Elephants), which is intended to raise the water level of the river, to feed by The Eduardo Monlane Irrigation System (Chokwé). This dam was built in 1955, with a storage capacity of 4 million m3, is built by a concrete structure of about 650m in length, which houses 39 floodgates maneuvered from a centralized automatic command.

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